Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mommy (and daddy) Resources Part III

Back when, I started a series of parenting resources and I still have two more parts that I haven't posted! I'm such a slacker. Anyhow, here is part 3 of the four part series.

These are various sites with information on pregnancy, parenting, ways to connect with other moms (or parents), newsletters, free tools, etc.

  1. Clubmom
  3. PregnancyWeekly
  4. Savvy Mommy
  6. Connecting Moms

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Monday, January 29, 2007

It's Monday...Again!

Hey folks. I know I haven't posted in a week, it was a VERY busy week at work. I have a lot of posts in queue and hope to get around to posting them this week, but I just wanted to update real quick and let you all know I'm still alive. ;)

husband and I made it through our first week on South Beach and are now on day 9 of 14 of Phase 1. But, who's counting, right? I have no idea if I've lost weight, since stupid me didn't weigh myself before starting the diet. I now live on deli meat and cheese for breakfast since I still can't get used to eggs every day. :ugh:

Will be back later in the week (hopefully), if work comes to a manageable level.

Happy Monday!

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Happy Monday

The husband and I have jumped on the bandwagon and began the South Beach diet yesterday. I hope I can make it through the first two weeks, where it seems like all you can eat is salad and eggs. Have I mentioned I’m not too fond of eggs?

house is coming along pretty good. The construction is proceeding a lot faster than we expected. The frame of the house is already up, as well as the windows and roof. Next they’ll work on setting up the electrical layout and plumbing and after it goes through inspection, we’ll be ready for the drywall and much closer to the end. Looks like only a couple more months before we get to move in!

It was pretty much a quiet weekend, which is always a good thing. I got to spend a lot of time with
baby girl on Saturday and although frustrating at times (she’s starting to throw major tantrums), it was all around a good day. Lots of singing, dancing, laughing and cuddling was involved. Those are the days that make me sad I’m not able to stay home with her, but at the same time, it gives me more reason to stay motivated and find a way to do just that.

Speaking of tantrums, the girl is only 1 and she has a major temper! Anytime we take something away from her or tell her NO, we get a full out screaming fit. We haven’t quite figured out the right way to handle these situations and it’s definitely a work in progress. I’ve heard to ignore the tantrum and let her cry it out, or to distract her with another toy, but both have their pros and cons. If you’ve got any tips for how you handled 1 year old tantrums (or are currently handling), please do let me know. I hate to see her throwing these fits, but I don’t want her to get spoiled either.

Have a great week everyone!

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Friday, January 19, 2007

Friday’s Feast #127

I saw this over on Local Girl's blog and thought it might be fun.

Which television shows do you just refuse to miss?
Lost and I recently caught the Grey's Anatomy bug

Who did you last speak to on the telephone?
The husband

How many pillows do you keep on your bed?
I only have 1 & husband has 1 for himself

Main Course
Name one addition to your computer (software, hardware, etc.) that you'd love to have.
Well actually, I don't want to add anything to my computer, but instead want to get a laptop.

What is your favorite foreign food?
Puerto Rican food - I love my own culture's food, so although it's not foreign to me, it might be to others.

Check out the
Friday's Feast page

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

There is just not enough time!

No TimeI came across a new site the other day for WAHMs appropriately called All WAHM. It's got some pretty good tips and advice. The latest posting was about Balancing Work and Family.

It got me thinking that these are not only good tips for those who work from home, but also for those who work outside the home. I know that working full time, spending time with my lil monkey, being a wife, and taking care of the household (plus a gazillion other everyday tasks), takes a heavy toll on me. I feel like there is just not enough time to get everything done. And on days when I am extra productive, I feel overly-stressed, tired, and grumpy. I'm glad I was productive, but my head feels fuzzy and clouded. I then need to re-organize my thoughts and breathe, but of course, the next day is just as busy if not more.

The endless cycle begins all over again.

How do you manage to balance your family, work, and everyday life?

image via petertheta's flickr page

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mommy (and daddy) Resources Part II

As promised, here is the second part of my list of resources:

Baby Food - they all mail (or email) coupons

  1. Nursery Water -
  2. Gerber -
  3. Beechnut -

Gerber also has a separate site for their clothing items at

Did you use the Nursery Water for your baby's milk? Or, did you boil your own water?

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Friday, January 12, 2007

Mommy (and daddy) Resources Part I

Throughout my pregnancy, I collected a variety of websites that offer free information, newsletters, samples, coupons, etc. Some of them, I still keep up with as they also have great parenting information. Now that my sister-in-law is with child, I decided to compile a list for her so that she too can reap the benefits. Since I'm such a nice person :ahem: I decided to share this list with everyone. Now, you might already know about these, but maybe, just maybe, you'll find one you didn't know about yet. ;)

Here, the first part of my list:

Formula and diaper companies - they all mail out free samples and coupons, so I highly suggest you sign up with these companies.

  1. Similac -
  2. Nestle -
  3. Enfamil –
  4. Pampers - - I really like Pampers because they have a rewards program where the wipes & diapers all have points you can collect & redeem for toys and other products
  5. Huggies -
  6. Luvs -

Next time, baby food.

What formula did (or do) you prefer for your baby? How about which diaper brand?

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

NtycnBoricua, who?

I received an email from Oh, The Joys asking me just what the heck my screen name means.


She found my explanation interesting and suggested I post it on here. So, as the ever dutiful person that I tend to be, here goes nothing.

First, let's break it down - Ntycn & Boricua

Ntycn stands for the word enticing

Boricua is another word for being Puerto Rican and can probably be best explained by Wikipedia

Boricua a word of origin from Boriken (or Boriquén, Borinquen, or Borinquén) used by the original Taino Indian population to refer to Puerto Rico before the coming of the Spanish, which translated as "The Valiant People of the Sacred House". The word has come to identify any resident or descendent of Puerto Rico, who will use the term, "¡Yo soy Boricua!" ("I am Boricua") to identify themselves.

My now-husband, then-boyfriend created the screen name for me about 6 or
7 years ago and I've been using it ever since. It's just kind of stuck.

Well, there you go folks. That is the short and sweet explanation to solve the mystery. Enjoy.

Don't forget it's delurking week! Go ahead and show the love. You know you wanna ;)

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ah, so that's all I need to do!

I've been debating for some time now on just how I can become a WAHM so that I can stay home with baby girl. Never mind staying home with no income and living off my husband. That's not feasible at this point. But, it also seems nearly impossible to be able to find steady work that I can do from home.

I mean, I don't want to relive my college days and eat
every day. (Image via jtinkster's flickr page)

I've attempted the surveys and other get paid sites, but though it makes for some nice extra cash, I can't have my family depending on it. So, what's a mom to do?

Well, here are 6 tips for surviving on just one income. I think they are useful, but at the same time, pretty common sense. Plus, I'm not so sure we can nix the cable - I need at least standard. Call me spoiled, but I need to watch more than just talk shows and soaps.

From - 6 Tips for Living on One Income

  1. Cut your grocery bill.
  2. Consolidate to one credit card with a low interest rate.
  3. Barter with other families.
  4. Pull the plug on cable.
  5. Don't move.
  6. Save up cash to make any big purchases..

Read full article

I'm sure you moms out there that stay home have some more (and better?) tips.

Join mom on a wire for delurking week and leave me some comments with your expert knowledge on staying/working at home with the kids.

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Monday, January 08, 2007

South Beach, Weight Watchers, NutriSystem - Oh what's a girl to do?

Ok, so everyone seems to be losing weight, except for me of course. Plain Jane Mom is on the South Beach diet and has already lost 6 pounds! Oh, The Joys has lost weight with Weight Watchers. Some of the folks at my job have also started various forms of dieting and/or just eating healthy. I know it's a popular New Year's resolution and it makes sense, but I just haven't jumped on the bandwagon. I really need to get my act together, gain some motivation from these fine folks and decide how I will lose this weight.

What seems to work for you? Is there a particular diet you like?

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Need Ideas for your blog?

Alice Seba has provided a free blogging calendar full of ideas for your blog. It's a 9 page month by month guide detailing themes and various topics you can use for your posts. You know, for those times when you have nothing to talk about and need some help.

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Just how old is too old to have children?

Older WomanI came across this posting at and then an article at about a 67 year old woman in Spain who gave birth to twins after undergoing fertility treatment (she is now the oldest mother on record).

Now, I don't want to be mean and I do think it's great that this woman was able to have children (it is her first birth), but I'm just not sure this is fair for the babies. This woman might not even live to be around for their teenage years. Is there a point where one needs to step back and think - Ok, I might be physically able and science may provide me the means to become a mother, but maybe I shouldn't? Is there a point where one becomes too old to enter into motherhood? Actually, this applies to men also, since they too can become fathers at a late age. But, should they?

What do you think? Just how old is too old to have children? Or, is there no age limit?

Image via stock.xchng

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